Thursday, 1 January 2009

Higham Wholesale Flowers go for E-Commerce

After successful discussions, Wigan based Higham Wholesale Flowers have decided to migrate their web-based selling from Ebay to a dedicated webshop from Logma. This E-commerce solution allows full control of customers, products and pricing by in-house staff. Changes from this system are integrated with the web shop allowing quick and easy control of the web shop. The new web system also allows Highams to reduce their ongoing costs by moving away from Ebay & Paypal.

Logma's welcomes a new staff member

Logma welcomes David Bishop this month, working in the Technical Services Department.

Go Live at Nuttall and Biddlecombe

Following installation and training, N&B have gone live on the latest release of Logma's Marketeer and Accounts system. Utilising Hand Held devices, this has reduced the amount of admin time spent on sales and stock control.